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Story café: Combatting social exclusion through media literacy and critical thinking

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The Stereotypes & Mass Information Together Explored (SMITE) project will hold its second story café event on 1 October 2022.

The project is inspired by writer Chimamanda Ngozi Adiche’s notion of the single story: that a point of view is always limited and never comprehensive. She speaks of the importance of different points of view in empowering people, highlighting that the main narratives constructed by the West around historical events have been used to dispossess, malign, and de-humanise specific cultures. These misleading representations influence our perceptions and behaviours. To stress the importance and impact of words, SMITE resembles Maltese verb smajt (‘I / you heard’).

These story cafés form part of a joint initiative between the African Media Association Malta (AMAN) and NWAMI International Malta (NIM): “Moving beyond the single story: combating social exclusion through media literacy and critical thinking”. The initiative, funded by the Active Citizens Fund (ACF), works to create links between locals and migrants.

Registration for the event is open until Thursday 29 September. Spaces are limited.

Further information on the story café can be found in this video.

SMITE Story Café

Practical information

Ronald McDonald House of Charities Learning Centre, Triq Wileg, Qawra
African Media Association Malta; NWAMI International Malta
Posted by
PfC Malta
Country Coordinator

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