Registration for the fourth edition of the human rights training programme for civil servants is now open. The course is run by the National Institute of Administration (INA) in conjunction with institutional partners the High Commission for Migration (ACM) and the Commission for Equality and Against Racial Discrimination (CICDR).
Delivered online, the programme of 30 hours will run from 21 September - 24 October 2023 and aims to promote fundamental rights in the Portuguese civil service. It is free of charge, with a capacity of 60 places.
The programme comprises four modules and two webinars:
- Reflection webinar: Priorities of the National Human Rights Institution
- Module I: Human rights, dignity and citizenship;
- Module II: Human rights, diversity and equality;
- Module III: Human rights, goods and public service;
- Module IV: Human rights and access to new forms of administration;
- Webinar for dissemination and sharing: From political democracy to social democracy, with the participation of civil society associations.
Further information can be requested by emailing secretaria@ina.pt.
Training for Portuguese civil servants
Practical information
- Venue
- Online
- Where
- Portugal
- When
- to
- Languages
- Portuguese
- Organiser
- National Institute of Administration (INA)
- Source
- Posted by
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