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Poland: The road to integrating Ukrainian refugees in the labour market

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This debate will address the employment of refugees arriving from Ukraine, which is crucial for their long-term integration in Poland.

Men of working age are restricted from leaving Ukraine in order that they might stay and fight instead, so those fleeing the country are mainly women with children and the elderly, and these groups are especially difficult to integrate into the labour market. Some women cannot take up work because they have to care for their young children. Those women who could take up work face other barriers such as war trauma, lack of knowledge of the Polish language, and difficulties in securing recognition of diplomas. Elderly new arrivals, on the other hand, are often long retired and no longer able to work. Other barriers include discrimination in the labour market, undeclared employment, low wages, or non-compliance by employers with minimum wage or working time standards. These barriers are especially pronounced in female-dominated professions.

During the event these problems will be examined, and discussed with reference to previous German experiences in the field of refugee employment (in the context of the large numbers of new arrivals to Germany in 2015), and the relevant experiences of trade unions.

Practical information

Centrum Zielna, ul. Zielna 37, Warszawa
Instytut Spraw Publicznych
Posted by
Magdalena Lesinska
Country Coordinator

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