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flow – festival of conversation for culture and science


Activating Spaces, Activating People by Micro-Imagination is the main topic of flow 2012. By inspiring our micro-imagination we aim to deconstruct the notion of group or national solidarity and construct a new understanding of us as active micro-agents of change. There will be during the festival seven working groups on the following seven subtopics. In each working group eight to ten flow participants will deal with their subtopic and develop ideas and concepts for interdisciplinary and international projects. One essential part of the festival will be the common creative work on different subtopics in several working groups. And beside this, flow will offer attractive festival events on three evenings for the participants and also for the local audience.


Practical information

Ruse, Bulgarian
Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe /Austrian Ministry for European and International Affairs
Posted by
Norbert Bichl
Country Coordinator

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