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Addressing racial discrimination in housing: a multistakeholder approach

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This first EU-Belong webinar will discuss the challenge of addressing racial discrimination in access to housing, based on the experiences of the Municipality of Olot in Catalonia.

The event, which will provide insights into this specific case, will include an exchange with participants to explore obstacles, enablers and elements for transferability. 

The webinar will be moderated by Laura Sentis Margalef, EU Belong Project Officer at the Department for Equality and Feminisms of Catalonia. Professor Quim Brugué, from the University of Girona, will share how the Municipality of Olot:

  • analysed the causes and the impact of racial discrimination practices faced by third-country nationals;
  • brought together key stakeholders in a regular exchange to identify solutions;
  • envisages the processes to enable the implementation of proposed solutions.

The event is open to all, with registration required.

For more information please send an email to Johanna Pacevicius via

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