This section features relevant publications such as reports, analyses, legislation and statistics. The documents cited are published by the European Commission (EC) or third parties, and cover issues related to integration at the EU and national level.
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Documents (627)
Showing results 1 to 10
Italy: Comparative report on representative migrant communities
In July, the General Directorate for Immigration and Integration of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies in Italy published a series of reports...
Lutte contre le racisme, l’antisémitisme et les discriminations : un guide pour les comités sociaux et économiques d’entreprises
Dans le cadre du Plan de lutte contre le racisme, l’antisémitisme et les discriminations liées à l’origine 2023-2026, le ministère du Travail, de la...
France : Insertion et entre-soi - l’immigration chinoise est diverse
L’immigration chinoise en France s’est fortement accélérée dans les années 1980 avec l’ouverture économique de la Chine et la libéralisation de sa...
Labour market integration of beneficiaries of temporary protection from Ukraine
The European Migration Network (EMN) and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) published a joint inform on the labour...
Policy paper: The right to work for asylum applicants in the EU
The European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE) published a policy paper examining legal and policy developments affecting asylum applicants'...
France : Fabriques 2023 du Lab'r
Ce document propose une synthèse des travaux des Fabriques du Lab'R (Laboratoire d'expérimentation et d'innovation rattaché à la Délégation...
Estonia: EMN annual migration policy report
EMN Estonia published the Annual Migration Policy Report 2023. The report provides an overview of the most important developments in migration in 2022...
Integration policies and migrants' labour market outcomes: a local perspective based on different regional configurations in the EU
Migrants’ integration processes and their labour market inclusion occur within distinct local contexts. However, the existing literature has paid...
Italy: Report on labour migration 2022
This publication on immigrants in the labour market in Italy - sponsored by the National Agency for Labour Policies and produced in collaboration with...
Italy: ISMU white paper on the governance of economic migration
In January 2023 Fondazione ISMU published its White paper on the governance of economic migration. The book provides decision-makers and economic...