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European Website on Integration

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Germany: Sport encourages integration

The center "Region of learning" is looking for engaged people and reliable volunteers up to an age of 17 years who are active members in a sports club...

Germany: Sport encourages integration

The center "Region of learning" is looking for engaged people and reliable volunteers up to an age of 17 years who are active members in a sports club...

Terre de Femmes

En décembre 2019, l’association Adage et le réseau d’acteurs « Les Bâtisseuses », en collaboration avec le Palais de la Femme, fondé par l’Armée du...

Integration policy, Municipality of Aarhus

In June 2007 the municipality of Aarhus adopted a new integration policy. The overall goal of the policy is; "to strengthen the cohesion of the Aarhus...