Ce manuel propose aux praticiens de terrain sur la base d’une logique de parcours, des solutions concrètes afin d’accompagner les bénéficiaires de la...
Engagierte und zuverlässige Ehrenamtliche ab 17 Jahren, die sportlich aktiv und Mitglied in einem Sportverein sind, sucht die Leitstelle „Region des...
The center "Region of learning" is looking for engaged people and reliable volunteers up to an age of 17 years who are active members in a sports club...
The center "Region of learning" is looking for engaged people and reliable volunteers up to an age of 17 years who are active members in a sports club...
In June 2007 the municipality of Aarhus adopted a new integration policy. The overall goal of the policy is; "to strengthen the cohesion of the Aarhus...
The idea behind the One-Stop-Shops is to make available a wide range of Government and support services to immigrants under one roof, independently of...