Estonian Integration Foundation is inviting nominations for the 2023 - 2024 Integration Awards. The awards will recognise activities and projects that...
Estonia has always been home to different people. Today, there are people of 211 different ethnicities living in Estonia, speaking 243 mother tongues...
Photo Workshop 66 is a month-long, free photo workshop for unaccompanied minors from the Middle East in Sofia, Bulgaria. The documentary workshop aims...
The Revealed Hands (Razkrite roke) project educated vulnerable groups of women in textile design, video-making, marketing and sales, humanitarian work...
Bridges of Music (Muusikasillad) was a series of projects carried out from 2013 to 2015 by the Pille Lill Music Fund (PLMF). Each year, students from...
The Fipoh project had two main purposes: to improve the mental health of refugee children and adolescents by encouraging their expression, enhancing...