Estonian Shared Services Centre opened a call for proposals with the focus of 'achieving and maintaining high levels of employment'. The objective of...
Since February 2022 children who have been displaced from Ukraine and are now living in Latvia have been able to access state-funded Latvian language...
Un nouvel appel à financement a été lancé par le Fonds « Asile, Migration et Intégration » (AMIF) au Luxembourg. Il est ouvert jusqu'au 20 septembre...
Dans le cadre du programme FSE+ 2021-2027 "Investir dans le futur", un appel à projets est ouvert jusqu'au 20 septembre. Le FSE finance des projets d...
UNHCR Innovation Space opened a new call for the Refugee-led Innovation Fund which aims to foster innovation among those who have experienced forced...
The Education for Democracy Foundation launched the 'We Support Ukraine' grant competition to provide assistance to people displaced from Ukraine in...
The Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic has announced the 20th call for proposals under the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF)...
La direction de l'asile, au sein du Ministère de l’Intérieur, publie un appel à projets visant à assurer l’accueil et l’accompagnement, sur une durée...