30 January 2025Portugal: CLAIM network expansion continues The Local Centre for Migrant Integration (CLAIM) network continues to expand across Portugal, with a new centre inaugurated in the northern...
28 January 2025 Slovakia: Nationwide project launched to strengthen integration Slovakia launched a new national project, co-financed by the European Commission's ESF+ programme, to promote the integration of third-country...
27 January 2025Estonia: Integration and protection for Syrian refugees An article by the Estonian Refugee Council examines the situation of those displaced from Syria who have established themselves in Estonia. Many of...
27 January 2025Poland: Public attitudes towards community sponsorship and other asylum and refugee policies This publication presents the findings of a nationwide survey on the attitudes of Poles towards community sponsorship and other asylum and refugee...
17 January 2025Poland: Employment of intercultural assistants in schools In September 2024 an amendment was introduced to Poland's 2016 Education Law, enabling schools to hire intercultural assistants. The amendment came...
07 January 2025La pratique du français des primo-arrivants dans leur vie privée La compréhension du français est une base nécessaire à l’ intégration sociale, économique et culturelle des immigrés qui s’installent durablement dans...
24 December 2024Portugal: Perceptions of foreign workers and the economy According to the findings of Portugal's Immigration Barometer, released last week by the Francisco Manuel dos Santos Foundation (FFMS), 52.2% of...
18 December 2024Croatia: Attitudes towards foreigners and minority groups In Croatia, prejudice, xenophobia, perceptions of threat and negative attitudes towards specific groups of migrants, have increased in the last 10...
10 December 2024Integration in Deutschland: Fortschritte, Herausforderungen und Rekordzahlen bei Einbürgerungen Der 14. Integrationsbericht der Bundesregierung zeichnet ein differenziertes Bild der Integration in Deutschland. Trotz erheblicher Fortschritte...
05Dec2024Estonia: Conference on EU labour shortages and skilled migration EMN Estonia and IOM Estonia are hosting a joint conference entitled ' EU's Labour Dilemma: Finding Balance between Local and Migrant Workers'. The