30Jan2025The ethical and social impact of sport This event will examine the role of sports organisations in combating racism and promoting a culture of respect and inclusion, highlighting the
27 January 2025Estonia: Integration and protection for Syrian refugees An article by the Estonian Refugee Council examines the situation of those displaced from Syria who have established themselves in Estonia. Many of...
23 January 2025Bundestagswahlkampf stark durch Migration geprägt Einen Monat vor der Bundestagswahl werden heftige Debatten über Migration und Integration ausgetragen. Dabei stehen zentrale Fragen zur Zukunft der...
09 January 2025Portugal: Access to healthcare and language classes for trafficking victims Individuals who have been victims of human trafficking in Portugal will now have facilitated access to Portuguese language classes and the national...
07 January 2025La pratique du français des primo-arrivants dans leur vie privée La compréhension du français est une base nécessaire à l’ intégration sociale, économique et culturelle des immigrés qui s’installent durablement dans...
24 December 2024Portugal: Perceptions of foreign workers and the economy According to the findings of Portugal's Immigration Barometer, released last week by the Francisco Manuel dos Santos Foundation (FFMS), 52.2% of...
18 December 2024Croatia: Attitudes towards foreigners and minority groups In Croatia, prejudice, xenophobia, perceptions of threat and negative attitudes towards specific groups of migrants, have increased in the last 10...
10 December 2024Integration in Deutschland: Fortschritte, Herausforderungen und Rekordzahlen bei Einbürgerungen Der 14. Integrationsbericht der Bundesregierung zeichnet ein differenziertes Bild der Integration in Deutschland. Trotz erheblicher Fortschritte...
09-11Dec2024Barcelona: Fourth UNESCO Global Forum Against Racism and Discrimination Barcelona is to host the fourth edition of UNESCO's 'Global Forum Against Racism and Discrimination'. This significant event will take place from 9 -
05-15Dec2024Croatia: Series of events for International Migrants' Day Throughout December many events are being organised in Croatia, ahead of celebration of International Migrants' Day (18 December): The first event is