25Feb2023Malta: Patriotism = Anti-Racism Under Malta’s anti-racism strategy for 2021–2023, the Human Rights Directorate will host Patriotism = Anti-Racism, a series of grassroots-level
11Feb2023Malta: Podcasts for inclusion The African Media Association Malta will host a podcast creation workshop for young migrants and local youth to discuss human rights issues. This
04-05Feb2023Malta: Environmental Migration Film Festival 2023 Friends of the Earth Malta will host the 2023 Environmental Film Festival on 4-5 February as part of the Ċine’Ambjent film initiative. Climate change
28Jan2023SMITE Story Café: impact of selective listening on critical thinking The African Media Association, NWAMI International Malta, and Academy of Givers are organising a discussion event on 28 January as part of the SMITE
12Dec202220 years of struggle and hope: Migrant experiences in Malta The Jesuit Refugee Service is hosting a “fish bowl” event to commemorate 20 years since the first important disembarkation of migrants in Malta. Over
28Oct2022Malta: European Migration Network national conference The European Migration Network (EMN) in Malta will hold the 2022 EMN national conference - ' The new geopolitical challenges in migration: tackling
19 October 2022Malta: New course in rethinking school practices for diverse classrooms The Institute for Education in Malta is offering a free course entitled " Award in rethinking school practices for diverse classrooms", designed to...
01Oct2022Story café: Combatting social exclusion through media literacy and critical thinking The Stereotypes & Mass Information Together Explored (SMITE) project will hold its second story café event on 1 October 2022. The project is inspired
05 August 2022Malta: New anti-racism platform launched Following the launch of the first Maltese anti-racism strategy (2021-23) in October 2021, the Human Rights Directorate - a government entity -...
26Jun2022JAM at the JAM – Refugee week finale! The Community Arts and Culture Hub, the JAM Project is organising “ JAM at the JAM – Refugee Week Finale!” on Sunday 26 June at The JAM Project