20Feb2024Hungary: Workshop on the bystander effect This workshop will examine the barriers that exist to offering help to others in group contexts, especially in contexts of racism and discrimination
10Feb2024Diverse Budapest Budapest is becoming increasingly attractive to foreigners. In addition to its constantly growing number of foreign workers and thousands of
31 December 2014'Are You in the Loop?' Methodological guidelines for organising workshops on ethnic and cultural differences A Menedék Egyesület által kidolgozott szakmai-módszertani útmutató célja, hogy segítségével olyan programok szervezQdjenek, melyekben a résztvevQk a...
14Oct201413th National Conference of the EMN in Hungary: Contribution of academia to the shaping of migration policies 'A tudományos szféra hozzájárulása a migrációs szakpolitika formálásához' The Hungarian EMN NCP organises its 13th National Conference on 14th October 2014, in Budapest. The conference will be held on the theme "Contribution
31 July 2014Motherhood in an intercultural perspective A subjective description of an event that was held by the Artemisszio Foundation in Budapest which tried to illustrate maternity and the issues...
27Jun2014Training EXPO in Budapest - Képzési EXPO Budapesten Through the one-day event Menedék - Hungarian Association for Migrants gives an overview of the integration-specific training programmes and their
31 March 2014Hungary: Intercultural training for professionals in education and public administration - Interkulturális képzés az oktatásban és a közszolgáltatásban dolgozók számára The aim of the training is to develop the activities of governmental and non-governmental organisations, in order to enhance the quality of their...
21-22Mar2014Budapest: International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination - Antirasszista világnap The day-long festival involves various artistic and musical projects aiming at combatting racism and intolerance, as well as exhibitions, and
20-21Mar2014Conference in Budapest: Developing information for migrant workers through transnational trade union cooperation - Migráns munkavállalók információs hálózatának fejlesztése nemzetközi szakszervezeti együttműködés keretében The conference aims to share the experiences of the trade unions related to migrant employees, to assess the trade union needs of the employees
18Mar2014Social Work with Refugees and Migrants: Workshop on the World Social Work Day - Szociális munka menekültekkel és migránsokkal: workshop a Szociális munka világnapján What can social work do in times of social and economic crises? Throughout the World this is the central theme of the 2014 World Social Work Day. The