12-28Jun2023Croatia: 10th edition of REFUGEES! The Coordination of Civil Society Organisations for the Integration of Refugees in Croatia is organising the 10th edition of annual, national event
02 March 2021Slovenia: New neighbours and the challenges of intercultural coexistence The international New Neighbours project has been organising, in conjunction with public radio and television, community media and non-governmental...
10-17Jul2017Beyond the label #refugee The beyond the label event aims to reduce prejudice towards refugees among young people from Ukraine, Lithuania, England and Italy by exploring
20Jun2017Across Lithuania - Experience Sharing Day For World Refugee Day, NGO Aktyvus jaunimas will give refugees a platform to tell their difficult journey from home to Lithuania and express their
03Nov2015Migrant integration: trends and (or) opportunities? The conference will take closer look at the most recent challenges, related to migrant integration in Lithuania, including integration policies and
12Apr2013Fachtagung: Integration durch Fußball in Freiburg Schirmherrin der Veranstaltung ist Steffi Jones, die im Gespräch mit Prof. Dr. Petra Gieß-Stübe über ihre Biografie „Der Kick des Lebens “ sprechen
12Apr2013Conference: Integration through playing soccer in Freiburg The professional female football player Steffi Jones is patron of the conference and will present her biography by talking with Pro. Dr. Petra Gieß
12Apr2013Conference: Integration through playing soccer in Freiburg The professional female football player Steffi Jones is patron of the conference and will present her biography by talking with Pro. Dr. Petra Gieß
30 September 2014Artists welcome (Artistas Acoge) The Artists Welcome initiative is part of the Department of Communication and Awareness of Malaga Acoge. It consists on exhibiting on the cover page...
24 July 2011Together towards better integration of immigrants The goal of the project was to strengthen the capacity of the civil society, social partners, state administration, international organizations and...