The International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Lithuania launched the online Migration Information Center (MiCenter). Built around the idea of...
Think tanks Praxis and Feministeerium, based in Estonia, conducted a study using a feminist participatory action research (FPAR) approach with women...
La compréhension du français est une base nécessaire à l’ intégration sociale, économique et culturelle des immigrés qui s’installent durablement dans...
This report is a follow-up to the Immigrant Council’s 'Migrant electoral empowerment: the experience of migrant candidates in the 2019 local elections...
This report - entitled ' Refugee and migrant health system review: challenges and opportunities for long-term health system strengthening in Estonia'...
Le programme d’Accompagnement Global et Individualisé des Réfugiés (AGIR) a pour objectif d’accompagner les réfugiés vers l’emploi et le logement. Il...