10 January 2025Hungary: Legislative changes concerning the employment of foreign workers Hungary is implementing new regulations concerning the employment of foreign workers, as outlined in governmental decree 450/2024 (XII. 23.)...
03Dec2024Training and conference on changes to TCN employment This event will address the latest regulatory and procedural changes in employing third-country nationals (TCNs) in Hungary. It will provide Hungarian
27Aug2024Hungary: Webinar for employers on new immigration law Menedék, the Hungarian Association for Migrants, is organising a webinar about the new immigration law that entered into force in Hungary on 1 January
16May2024Hungary: UNHCR job fair for refugees and migrants UNHCR Hungary will host a job fair for refugees and migrants on 16 May. The aim of the fair is to connect refugees and migrants with employers and
21 March 2024Hungary: New online platform for third-country nationals A new website was launched for refugees and other third-country nationals (TCNs) in Hungary to facilitate their access to reliable, understandable...
30 September 2020Perpetual Temporariness - Situation of migrant workers in Hungary While the number of foreign-born people has increased, immigration to Hungary has been moderate over the past 20–30 years. With an intensifying labour...