13 November 2024Denmark: New employment obligations under cash allowance system The Danish government will soon introduce new obligations for all citizens under the national cash allowance system - described previously on EWSI...
21 October 2024Czech Republic: Third reading of "Lex Ukraine" amendment On 22 October the Czech Chamber of Deputies advanced the proposed "Lex Ukraine 7" amendment to its third reading. The main purpose of the amendment is...
15 October 2024Latvia: Compulsory education for children displaced from Ukraine With the start of the new school year education in schools in Latvia remains voluntary for people displaced from Ukraine, although the Ministry of...
13 August 2024Denmark: Proposed legislation would affect asylum applications A Special Act for those displaced from Ukraine was approved by the Danish parliament in 2022, mirroring the EU’s temporary protection directive...
26 July 2024Czech Republic: Housing support increased for people displaced from Ukraine On 17 July the Czech government approved an alteration to the housing allowance available to those displaced from Ukraine (the so-called 'eligible...
22 July 2024Slovakia: New legislation affects asylum procedures and temporary protection for those displaced from Ukraine On 1 July the Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic amended its Act No. 480/2002 on Asylum with a new legal regulation, as part of Lex...
20 June 2024Bulgaria: A decade without national refugee integration support It has been 10 years since Bulgaria last had a working national refugee integration programme. Despite the advocacy efforts of international...
16 June 2024Hungary: ECJ fine for breaching EU asylum rules On 13 June the European Court of Justice (ECJ) delivered its judgment in an infringement case initiated by the European Commission (EC) against...
05 June 2024Slovakia: Changes to LEX Ukraine and supported accommodation measures On 5 June the Government of the Slovak Republic approved the Ministry of the Interior's proposal to amend Act No. 480/2002 Coll. on Asylum, which...
29 May 2024Italy: Clarifications on the conversion of humanitarian permits to work permits Following several court rulings that confirmed the possibility of converting pending humanitarian permits (related to the protection of private and...