18 December 2024Croatia: Attitudes towards foreigners and minority groups In Croatia, prejudice, xenophobia, perceptions of threat and negative attitudes towards specific groups of migrants, have increased in the last 10...
10Dec2024Mental health of people with migration and refugee backgrounds in a changing Europe The European Psyciatric Association (EPA) is organising a webinar on the complex mental health challenges faced by people with migration and refugee
09-11Dec2024Barcelona: Fourth UNESCO Global Forum Against Racism and Discrimination Barcelona is to host the fourth edition of UNESCO's 'Global Forum Against Racism and Discrimination'. This significant event will take place from 9 -
05-15Dec2024Croatia: Series of events for International Migrants' Day Throughout December many events are being organised in Croatia, ahead of celebration of International Migrants' Day (18 December): The first event is
05Dec2024Estonia: Conference on EU labour shortages and skilled migration EMN Estonia and IOM Estonia are hosting a joint conference entitled ' EU's Labour Dilemma: Finding Balance between Local and Migrant Workers'. The
25Nov2024Poland: Public hearing on national migration strategy This public hearing, organised by the Stocznia Foundation in cooperation with the Minister for Civil Society and the Chancellery of the Prime Minister
14-15Nov2024Cultural diversity – an obstacle or an opportunity in shaping a cohesive society? The Estonian Integration Foundation, in collaboration with the country's Ministry of Culture, will host its 11th Integration Conference - entitled
07Nov2024Northern and Baltic Migration Conference 2024 The Nordic Council of Ministers, the Tartu Welcome Centre and the University of Tartu will host the 2024 Northern and Baltic Migration Conference On 7
07Nov2024Estonia: International Humanitarian Assistance Conference The Estonian Refugee Council is holding its second International Humanitarian Assistance Conference on 7 November in Tallinn. This year’s conference
04 November 2024Survey deadline extended: What should the EU do in the next 5 years? The New Europeans Initiative, which works to foster the civic and political participation of migrants, launched a survey to collect responses from New...