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Estonia: Year of cultural diversity 2024

Estonia has always been home to different people. Today, there are people of 211 different ethnicities living in Estonia, speaking 243 mother tongues...

Malta: New anti-racism platform launched

Following the launch of the first Maltese anti-racism strategy (2021-23) in October 2021, the Human Rights Directorate - a government entity -...

Humanitarian Reception Programme

The Humanitarian Reception Programme, run by Movimiento por la Paz (Movement for Peace) carries out various activities to support the practical and...

Luxembourg: Programme Tandem

Dans une société luxembourgeoise fortement métissée, le programme TANDEM jumelle un·e enfant avec une marraine/un parrain bénévole. Pendant 12 mois et...

Artists welcome (Artistas Acoge)

The Artists Welcome initiative is part of the Department of Communication and Awareness of Malaga Acoge. It consists on exhibiting on the cover page...